Portable Text Blocks
A collection of custom blocks to be used with Sanity's Portable Text editor. To view the source code for this project check out the GitHub repository.
Each block has a custom preview component built with Sanity UI that can be added to the Portable Text editor as well as a component to render the block on the frontend built with Next.js and Tailwind which you can see below.
If you find this project helpful don't forget to give it a watch and star on GitHub to be notified when I add new blocks to the collection!
Made by James Rea
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Steve Jobs
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What is Portable Text
The following definition is from the Sanity website - Portable Text is a JSON specification built on the idea of rich text as an array of blocks, where each block is an array of child spans. You can use it instead of Markdown or MDX to store your content in a presentation-agnostic way. This allows transforming, or serializing, content into any markup language or framework.